Items where Subject is "G Christian Traditions/ Denominations > Roman Catholic"

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Bloomfield, Martha A. (2021) Romanies in Michigan – A Portrait of a Community through Their Own Voices. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 261-284. ISSN 2683-0213

Bocsi, Veronica (2017) The Religious Patterns of Young Roma People in Hungary. Belvedere Meridionale, 29 (4). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1419-0222 (print) 2064-5929 (online, pdf)

Cace, Sorin and Tomescu, Cristina and Cojocaru, Daniela (2012) The role of religion in several Roma communities. Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, 36. pp. 162-177. ISSN 1583-3410 (print), 1584-5397 (electronic)

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (1999) Gitanos protestantes. El movimiento religioso de las iglesias ''Filadelfia'' en Andalucía [Protestant gypsies. The religious movement of the ''Filadelfia'' churches in Andalusia]. DEMÓFILO: Revista de Cultura Tradicional de Andalucí: Los gitanos andaluces (30). pp. 183-206. ISSN 1133-8032

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Tebar, Pilar Gil (0211) Políticas, resistencias y diásporas religiosas en perspectiva transcultural. Gitanos evangélicos en España e indígenas católicos en México [Policies, resistance and religious diasporas in cross-cultural perspective. Evangelical Gypsies in Spain and indigenous Catholics in Mexico]. Revista de Antropologia Social [Social Anthropology Magazine], 20. pp. 77-107. ISSN 1131-558x

Fosztó, László (2011) Hol a helye a romáknak az erdélyi egyházakban?: Vallási intézmények és társadalmi integráció [Where do Roma have a place in the churches of Transylvania?: Religious institutions and social integration]. Pro Minoritate, 3. pp. 113-122.

Havasi, Virág (2017) A történelmi egyházak cigány missziós tevékenysége Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében. Szellem és tudomány, 8 (klnsz). pp. 147-191. ISSN 2062-204X

Istvánné, Ganyi and Gézáné Szegedi Ildikó, Kovács (2023) Boldogok, akik békét teremtenek. ükör: A magyarországi protestáns egyházak cigánymisszióinak negyedévente megjelenő lapja, 10 (3).

Klímová, Alexander I. (2010) The development and institutionalization of Romani representation and administration. Part 3c: Religious, governmental, and non-governmental institutions (1945–1970). Nationalities Papers, 38 (1). pp. 105-122.

Lehel, Peti (2008) Transznacionális életformák és szekták. A moldvai csángó falvakban jelentkező új vallási jelenségek interpretációs lehetőségeiről [Transnational life forms and sects. On the possibilities of interpreting new religious phenomena in the Csango villages of Moldavia]. Szociológiai Szemle, 4. pp. 3-31. ISSN 1216-2051

Matei, Petre (2023) Women’s participation in the interwar Roma movement in Romania. Romani Studies, 33 (1). pp. 31-54. ISSN (print): 1528-0748; (online): 1757-2274

Nowackia, Ewa (2014) Konwersja religijna i konwersja kulturowa - Romowie zielonoświątkowcy w Szaflarach [Religious and cultural conversion - Roma Pentecostals in Szaflary]. Studia Humanistyczne AGH, 2 (13). pp. 165-182. ISSN 2084-336

Podolinská, Tatiana (2021) Traditional Romani Christianity vs Pentecostal and neo-Protestant Christianity: A grounded picture of religiosity and spirituality among the Roma in the twenty-first century in Slovakia. Romani studies 5, 31 (2). pp. 155-188. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants, and Itinerant People (2006) Guidelines for the pastoral care of Gypsies. People on the Move, 38/100 (April). pp. 131-178.

Rizo, Ana (2009) Pérdida de influencia de la Iglesia Católica y auge de la Iglesia Evangélica de Filadelfia entre los gitanos españoles. El caso de la provincia andaluza de Huelva [Loss of influence of the Catholic Church and summit of the Evangelical Church of Philadelphia between the Spanish gypsies. The case of the Andalusian province of Huelva.]. Revista Cultura y Religión, 3 (1). pp. 96-111. ISSN 0718-4727

Roht-Yilmaz, Eva-Liisa (2020) A constant border-crossing: Conversion and evangelical charismatic Christian identity among the Roma in Estonia and Latvia. Romani studies, 30 (1). pp. 89-113. ISSN 1757-2274 (online) 1528-0748 (print)

Slavkova, Magdalena (2018) Religious and social commitment of the Bulgarian Roma migrants in Spain. Religious and social commitment of the Bulgarian Roma migrants in Spain, 33 (2). pp. 224-241.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2023) Women’s evangelical activities and church growth in Romani communities. Romani studies 5, 33 (1). pp. 79-105. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Strangwayes-Booth, Alex (2016) How Gypsies have moved from fortune-telling to fervent Christianity. BBC News.

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Роми као пентекосталци у југоисточној Србији [Roma as Pentecostals in Southeast Serbia]. У Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције. pp. 461-475.

Wiley, Eric (2005) Romani Performance and Heritage Tourism - The Pilgrimage of the Gypsies at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. The Drama Review, 49 (2). pp. 135-158.

Ďatelinka, Anton and Akimjaková, Beáta and Mrosková, Lenka and Telezhko, Irina Vladilenovna (2022) The Roma and their Christian Life in a Pandemic Situation. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13 (2). pp. 455-466. ISSN 2081-1640

Book Section

Acton, Thomas Alan (2001) Globalization, the Pope and the Gypsies. In: Global futures: migration, environment and globalization. Explorations in sociology (53). Palgrave, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 144-158. ISBN 9780333717769

Danckwortt, Barbara (2008) Sozialarbeit für "Zigeuner" in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren [Social work with Gypsies in the sixties and seventies]. In: Die Stellung der Kirchen zu den deutschen Sinti und Roma. für Antiziganismus Forschung E.V., Marburg, pp. 67-90. ISBN 978-3-939762-02-7

Kovač, Milan and Jurik, Milan (2003) The Religious life of the Roma and the activities of the church in relation to the Roma. In: Čačipen pal o Roma, A Global Report on Roma in Slovakia. Institute of Public Affairs, Bratislava, pp. 99-113. ISBN 80-88935-46-6

Lehel, Peti (2011) “Wearied respondents”. The Structure of Saving the Csángós and its Effects on their Identity Building Strategies. In: Integrating minorities : traditional communities and modernization. Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 243-267. ISBN 978-606-92744-9-1

Sikimic, Biljana (2006) Две мањине: Срби и Бањаши у Мађарској [Two minorities: Serbs and Banjas in Hungary]. In: Етнографија Срба у Мађарској [Ethnography of Serbs in Hungary]. Српски институт – Етнографски институт САНУ, Budapest, pp. 101-112.

Conference or Workshop Item

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Final Document : The Church and the Gypsies: towards a “Spirituality of Communion”. In: V World Congress of the Pastoral Care for Gypsies, 30 June – 7 July 2003, Budapest (Hungary), Péter Pázmány Catholic University. (Submitted)

Hoffmann-Richter, Andreas (2014) Zur Situation der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. 1943-2013: Zur Situation in Deutschland. Gedenken 2013. In: Ökumenischer Gedenkgottesdienst für die aus Freiburg deportierten Sinti 1943 - 2014 - 70 Jahre, 26. Januar 2014, Freiburg im Breisgau.

Institute for Mission Studies, (OSIMS) (2017) "Theological and Missiological Reflections on Christianity among the Roma". In: "Theological and Missiological Reflections on Christianity among the Roma", 28.11-01.12.2017, Evangelical Theological Seminary Osijek, Croatia. (Submitted)


Constantineanu, Corneliu and Măcelaru, Marcel V and Kool, Anne-Marie and Himcinschi, Mihai, eds. (2016) Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, 34 . Regnum Books International, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-911372-17-2

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Montiel, Cristina M. and Baena, Salvador M. and Cabezas, Ignacio M. (2004) Gitanos Pentecostales: Una mirada antropologica a la Iglesia Filadelfia en Andalucia [Pentecostal Gypsies: An Anthropological Look at the Philadelphia Church in Andalusia]. Signatura Demos, Sevilla. ISBN 84-96210-17-0

Podolinská, Tatiana (2021) Marian Devotion Among the Roma in Slovakia: Post-Modern Religious Response to Marginality. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-3-030-56363-9 (hardcover); 978-3-030-56364-6 (eBook)

Todorovič, Dragan (2007) Друштвена удаљеност од Рома:(етничко-религијски оквир [Društvena udaljenost od Roma: (etničko-religijski okvir)] [Social distance of Roma people:(ethno-religious framework)]. Филозофски факултет-Stylos [Filozofski fakultet - Stylos], Ниш-Нови Сад [Niš - Novi Sad]. ISBN 978-86-7379-123-4


Barnabás, Tóth (2014) A Magyarországi Baptista Egyház cigánymissziója 1989-től 2014-ig [The gypsy mission of the Hungarian Baptist Church from 1989 to 2014]. Masters thesis, BTA Teológia.

Ploscariu, Iemima (2021) A Dappled People: Jewish, Roma, and Romanian Evangelicals in Interwar Romania. Doctoral thesis, Dublin City University.


Wachsmuth, Melody J. and Nastase, Rafael (2023) Unmuted:The Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. [Video]


Gellért, Gyetvai (2013) Keresztény roma gyülekezetek Magyarországon – általános jellemzők [Christian Roma congregations in Hungary - general characteristics]. CIMOK.

Slavkova, Magdalena and Stoyanova, Plamena and Maeva, Mila and Hristova, Mina (2021) Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment. IEFSEM – BAS & Paradigma, Sofija.

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