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Acton, Thomas Alan (1979) The Gypsy Evangelical Church. The Ecumenical Review, 31 (3). pp. 289-295.


Atanasov, Miroslav A. (2012) The Roma (Gypsy) Pentecostal Movement in Bulgaria. EastWest Church & Ministry Report, 20 (2). pp. 11-13.


Bakay, Peter (2016) Misszió és ami mögötte van [Mission and what is behind it]. TÜKÖR, 3 (3-4).

Bakay, Peter (2009) Missziós gyülekezetté válik az a közösség, amelyik nyit a cigányok felé - Beszélgetés Bakay Péterrel [“A community that opens up to the Gypsies becomes a missionary church!” - Conversation with Péter Bakay]. UNSPECIFIED.

Banov, Georgian (2012) Georgian Banov on BTV (Bulgaria) #1. [Video]

Banov, Georgian (2012) Georgian Banov on BTV (Bulgaria) #2. [Video]

Beman, Larry (2013) The Roma of Europe. United Methodist Women, New York, NY.

Brannan, Denise The Romani Nation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


Cacanoska, Ružica (2004) Chances for changes in Roma Confessional Matrix in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Evangelization Conversion Proselytism. Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Komren Sociological Encounters, Niš, pp. 83-86.


Dawson, Frank (2009) Christian Outreach to Romany in Central Europe and Russia. East-West Church Ministry Report, 10 (3). pp. 3-6.

Dezső, Atilla and Surman, László and Kurdi, Zoltán and Bakay, Peter and Vig, Miklós (2020) 1.Isten folyónak teremtett minket, hogy partot mossunk [God created us as a river to wash ashore] 2.A cigánymisszió segített a gondolkodásmódom megújulásában [The gypsy mission helped to renew my way of thinking] 3.Mit kaptam a cigánymisszión keresztül? [What did I get through the gypsy mission?] 4.Nagyobb érzés nincs is [There is no greater feeling] 5.A cigánymisszió személyesen velem kezdődött... [The gypsy mission started with me personally ...]. Tükör, 7 (4-5).


Fosztó, László (2007) Born again in postsocialist Romania: Ritual, personhood, and conversion among the Roma in a Transylvanian village. Doctoral thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg.

Fosztó, László (2010) Mobilising "culture" and "religion": Ritual practices and social relations among two minority groups in rural Transylvania. SOCIOLOGIE ROMANEASCA, 1. pp. 132-145.

Fylypchuk (Филипчук), S.V. (2012) Релігієвибір сучасніх Ромів на Закарпатті: Протестантизм [Religious choices of modern Roma in the Transcarpathian region: Protestantism]. Наукові записки. Серія "Історичне релігієзнавство" [Notes on science. Series Historical Religious Studies], 7. pp. 261-266.


Gellért, Gyetvai (2013) Keresztény roma gyülekezetek Magyarországon – általános jellemzők [Christian Roma congregations in Hungary - general characteristics]. CIMOK.


Haupt, Gernot (2009) Antiziganismus und Religion: Elemente einer Theologie der Roma-Befreiung. Lit Verlag, Wien. ISBN 978-3825817657

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2010) Conversion and Defection among Roma (Gypsies) in Bulgaria, Part 1. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 18 (3). pp. 8-11.

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2010) Conversion and Defection among Roma (Gypsies) in Bulgaria, Part 2. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 18 (4). pp. 9-12.

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2008) Stagnation and Decline Following Rapid Growth in Turkish-Speaking Roma Churches in Bulgaria. Doctoral thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2013) Why Do They Leave? An Ethnographic Investigation of Defection from Turkish-Speaking Roma Churches in Bulgaria. Missiology: An International Review, 41 (3). pp. 315-328.

Hibbert, Richard Y. and Hibbert, Evelyn (2016) Diagnosing Church Health across Cultures: A Case Study of Turkish Roma (Millet) Churches in Bulgaria. Missiology: An international review, 44. pp. 243-256.


Institute for Mission Studies, (OSIMS) (2017) "Theological and Missiological Reflections on Christianity among the Roma". In: "Theological and Missiological Reflections on Christianity among the Roma", 28.11-01.12.2017, Evangelical Theological Seminary Osijek, Croatia. (Submitted)


Kamberović, Miomir (2017) Obeying the Call. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 16-18. ISSN 0889-9436

Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches’ Perspectives on Mission work among the Roma. In: McClure Lectures, 2012, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. (Unpublished)


Marquand, Robert (2010) In France, an Evangelical Gypsy group shakes up the immigration debate. The Christian Science Monitor.


Nadathur, Susan (2011) Waiting on Dibel: The Growth of Pentecostalism among Spanish Gypsies. Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ), 47 (2). pp. 150-157. ISSN 0014-3359


Paetzold, Burkhard (2005) Mission among the Roma PCUSA joins others in sharing Christ's love among a marginalized minority. Highlights.

Paetzold, Burkhard (2011) Working Alongside Roma in Christ's Name. Mission Crossroads. pp. 14-15.

Persaud, Trevor (2010) Christianity Thrives among 'Gypsies' Despite Prejudice. Roma Revival: Missionary efforts continue to succeed. Christianity Today, 54 (11). pp. 15-16.

Ploscariu, Iemima (2020) Faith Church: Roma Baptists Challenging Religious Barriers in Interwar Romania. Social Inclusion, 8 (2). pp. 316-326. ISSN 2183–2803

Podolinská, Tatiana (2003) Boh alebo Satan? Úloha nového náboženského hnutia Slovo života v polarizácii rómskej kolónie v Plaveckom Štvrtku [God or Satan? The Role of the New Religious Movement Word of Life in the Polarization of the Roma Colony in Plavecký Štvrtok]. Slovenský národopis, 51 (1). pp. 4-31. ISSN 1335-1303


Ries, Johannes (2011) Romany/Gypsy Church or People of God? The Dynamics of Pentecostal Mission and Romani/Gypsy Ethnicity Management. In: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Romany Studies. Central European University Press, Budapest, pp. 271-279. ISBN 978-6155053160

Roman, Raluca Bianca (2017) Body Limited: Belief and (Trans)Formations of the Body in a Pentecostal Roma Community. In: Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion. Brill Academic Pub, pp. 256-273. ISBN 10: 9004344179 13: 978-9004344174


Saitovic, Zoran (2016) ROMinfomedia Spektar [ROMinfomedia TV Show Spektar]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2019) Romskoj crkvi u Leskovcu izdata dozvola za izgradnju višenamenskog centra [Roma church in Leskovac receives permission to build multipurpose center]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2016) Serif Bakic emisija Spektar [Serif Bakic TV Show Spektar]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2016) Spektar Selim Alijevic. [Video]

Slavkova, Magdalena (2007) Циганите евангелисти в България [Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria]. ПАРАДИГМА, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-326-068-3

Slavkova, Magdalena (2014) "Prestige" and Identity Construction among Pentecostal Gypsies in Bulgaria. In: Romani pentecostalism: gypsies and charismatic Christianity. PL Academic Research, New York et al., pp. 59-72. ISBN 9783631648858

Slavkova, Magdalena (2023) Women’s evangelical activities and church growth in Romani communities. Romani studies 5, 33 (1). pp. 79-105. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Sook Han, Jong (2018) Missiological strategy for mission to gypsies in Mukacheve, Ukraine. Doctoral thesis, Grace Theological Seminary.

Stewart, Michael and Rövid, Márton (2011) Multi-disciplinary approaches to Romany studies: Selected Papers from Participants of Central European University’s Summer Courses 2007–2009. Central European University Press, Budapest ; New York. ISBN 978-963-9776-76-0

Strangwayes-Booth, Alex (2016) How Gypsies have moved from fortune-telling to fervent Christianity. BBC News.

Sztupkai, Kristóf (2013) Roma Mission in the United Methodist Church in Hungary. New World Outlook – The Mission Magazine of the United Methodist Church, 73 (5). pp. 16-19. ISSN ISSN-0043-8812


Tabiendo, Sam 5913 Spanish Gypsy Film. [Video] (Unpublished)

Thurfjell, David and Marsh, Adrian (2014) Romani pentecostalism : gypsies and charismatic Christianity. Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, New York. ISBN 978-3631648858

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Roma and Conversion to Protestantism: An Example of Southeast Serbia. In: Europe as a Multiple Modernity: Multiplicity of Religious Identities and Belonging. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 228-251. ISBN ISBN-10: 1443856339; ISBN-13: 978-1443856331

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Роми као пентекосталци у југоисточној Србији [Roma as Pentecostals in Southeast Serbia]. У Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције. pp. 461-475.

Todorovič, Dragan and Đorđević, Dragoljub B. (2017) Утемељење Новог Верског Идентитетакод Рома Протестаната У Југоисточној Србији [Establishment of a New Religious Identity among Protestant Roma in Southeast Serbia]. In: XXIV годишња интернационална конференција ЈУНИР [XXIV Annual International YSSSR Conference] 500 Година Протестантске Реформације [500 Years Of The Protestant Reformation].

Todorovič, Dragan and Živković, Jovan (2013) Branislav Pavlov: Head of Jehovah's witnesses in Bujanovac. In: A Priest on the Border. YSSSR, Niš, pp. 103-121. ISBN 978-86-6055-038-7

Topalski, Daniel G. (2013) A Congregation-based approach to Ministry with the Roma. New World Outlook – The Mission Magazine of the United Methodist Church, 73 (5). pp. 28-31. ISSN 0043-8812


Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2013) God’s Mission as the intersection of surprise and constancy. Kairos (English ed.) : Evangelical Journal of Theology, 7 (2). pp. 209-220. ISSN 1846-4599 (Printed Version)

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2018) Narrative and Mission Praxis: The Roma in Europe. Global Missiology English, 4 (15).


Zahova, Sofiya (2014) History of Romani literature with Multimedia on Romani kids' publications. Paradigma. ISBN 978-954-326-229-8

Zoba, Wendy Murray (1999) The Gypsy Reformation - How a reviled minority has become the catalyst for bringing the gospel of grace to Spain. Christianity Today, May 2013, 43 (2). ISSN 0009-5753


Ágnes, Bartl (2013) Keresztény egyházak és felekezetek hatása a cigányság integrációjára [Impact of Christian churches and denominations on Roma integration]. In: Önazonosság és tagoltság: elemzések a kulturális megosztottságról: évkönyv 2011-2012 [Identity and Structure: Analyzes of Cultural Divide: Yearbook 2011-2012]. Tér és terep (9). Argumentum, Budapest, pp. 173-190. ISBN 9789634466864


Đorđević, Dragoljub B. (2004) Evangelization, Conversion, Proselytism: Example of Romas' Protestantization. In: Evangelization Conversion Proselytism. Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Komren Sociological Encounters, Niš, pp. 75-82.


Šoltésová, Viktória (2013) Náboženský život a misijné aktivity kresťanských cirkví v rómskych komunitách na Slovensku [Religious life and missionary activities of Christian churches in Roma communities in Slovakia]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 12-17. ISSN 1805-7934

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