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Acton, Thomas Alan (2001) Globalization, the Pope and the Gypsies. In: Global futures: migration, environment and globalization. Explorations in sociology (53). Palgrave, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 144-158. ISBN 9780333717769

Atanasov, Miroslav A. (2008) Gypsy Pentecostals: The Growth of the Pentecostal Movement among the Roma in Bulgaria and Its Revitalization of Their Communities. Doctoral thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary.


Bakay, Peter (2018) Cigánymisszió a teológiai oktatásban [Gypsy mission in theological education]. TÜKÖR, 5 (3-4).

Bakay, Peter (2017) Krisztusban egyek vagyunk [We are one in Christ]. TÜKÖR, 4 (2).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kovács, Bálint (2018) „Mindenkinek adjátok meg a tiszteletet: a testvéreket szeressétek, az Istent féljétek!” ["Give reverence to all men: love the brethren, fear God."]. Tükör, 5 (1-2).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kovács, Bálint (2017) Sokszínű cigánymisszió [Diverse gypsy mission]. Tükör, 4 (4).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kovács, Bálint (2017) Szabadulás a cigánygyűlöletből, Egy volt skinhead megtérésének története [Liberation from gypsy hatred, The story of the conversion of a former skinhead]. Tükör, 4 (1).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kurdi, Zoltán (2021) Isten gyógyít és felemel [God heals and uplifts]. TÜKÖR, 8 (3-4).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Kurdi, Zoltán and Durkó, Albert (2020) Az aratnivaló sok, de a munkás kevés [The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few]. TÜKÖR, 7 (2).

Balog, Antal (2007) Toward an Evangelical Missiology of Humanitarian Aid Ministry. Doctoral thesis, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek.

Banica, Mirel (2022) Le Travail de Memoire. Im Dienste einer traumatischen Geschichte. Der Fall der Roma-Sklaverei. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 14 (3). pp. 539-553. ISSN eISSN 2359-8107

Benovska-Sabkova, Milena (2003) «I am a pure Gypsy…». The Roma Individuality in the Distorted Mirror of Group Stereotypes. In: Roma’s Identities in Southeast Europe:Bulgaria. Ethnobarometer, Rome, pp. 57-93. ISBN 88-88235-03-5

Bloomfield, Martha A. (2021) Romanies in Michigan – A Portrait of a Community through Their Own Voices. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 261-284. ISSN 2683-0213

Bogdal, Klaus-Michael (2014) Europa erfindet die Zigeuner: eine Geschichte von Faszination und Verachtung [Europe Invents the Gypsies - A story of Fascination and contempt]. Suhrkamp, Berlin.

Borisova, Mariyanka (2021) Little Bulgarian School in Chicago – Cultural Heritage and Integration. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 243-260. ISSN 2683-0213

Boscoboinik, Andrea (2008) Roles, Statuses, Positions. Social Categories and Multiple Identities of Roma in Romania. In: The Ethnobarometer Working Paper Series, Roma's Identities in Southeast Europe: Romania. Ethnobarometer, Rome, pp. 7-23. ISBN 978-88-88235-08-0

Boscoboinik, Andrea and Giordano, Christian and Kostova, Dobrinka and Benovska-Sãbkova, Milena and Chanteraud, Annabel (2003) Roma’s Identities in Southeast Europe:Bulgaria. Ethnobarometer, Rome. ISBN 88-88235-03-5

Brannan, Denise The Romani Nation. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Brown, Philip and Dwyer, Peter and Martin, Philip and Scullion, Lisa (2014) Roma Matrix Interim Research Report. University of Salford; University of York, Manchester, York.

Békéscsabai, Médiacentrum (2021) 25 éves az MPE Országos Cigánymisszió [The MPE National Gypsy Mission is 25 years old]. [Video]


Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2007) Du soupçon à la mobilisation ethnique : pentecôtisme gitan et ethnogénèse en Andalousie [From Suspicion to Ethnic Mobilization: Gypsy Pentecostalism and Ethnogenesis in Andalusia]. Anthropologica, 49 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 0301-6587

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2002) La construcción social de la sospecha minorias religiosas contemporaneas y procesos de exclusión [The social construction of suspicion contemporary religious minorities and processes of exclusion]. Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporánea, 8 (15). pp. 89-111. ISSN 1405-2210

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2008) Los confines de la impostura.Reflexiones sobre el trabajo etnográficoentre minorías religiosas [The Boundaries of Imposture.Reflections on Ethnographic Work Among Religious Minorities]. Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 63 (1). pp. 147-172. ISSN 0034-7981

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Montiel, Cristina M. and Baena, Salvador M. and Cabezas, Ignacio M. (2004) Gitanos Pentecostales: Una mirada antropologica a la Iglesia Filadelfia en Andalucia [Pentecostal Gypsies: An Anthropological Look at the Philadelphia Church in Andalusia]. Signatura Demos, Sevilla. ISBN 84-96210-17-0

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2013) Ethnography of Religion, Ethnicity and Reflexivity. Evangelical Gitanos in Southern Spain. In: Ethnography of Religion, Ethnicity and Reflexivity. Evangelical Gitanos in Southern Spain. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden - Boston, pp. 359-379. ISBN 978 90 04 25523 4

Carter, Helen Ruth (2003) Responses to Gypsies in Britain, 1900-1939. Doctoral thesis, University of Northumbria.

Crowe, David and Liebich, Andre (2007) A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Csiszér, Monika (2005) Hungarian Church Ministries Among Roma. East-West Church & Ministry Report, 13 (2). p. 16.


Dezső, Atilla (2021) Mi közöm nekem a cigányokhoz? [What do I have to do with gypsies?]. Tükör, 8 (1).

Dezső, Atilla and Surman, László and Kurdi, Zoltán and Bakay, Peter and Vig, Miklós (2020) 1.Isten folyónak teremtett minket, hogy partot mossunk [God created us as a river to wash ashore] 2.A cigánymisszió segített a gondolkodásmódom megújulásában [The gypsy mission helped to renew my way of thinking] 3.Mit kaptam a cigánymisszión keresztül? [What did I get through the gypsy mission?] 4.Nagyobb érzés nincs is [There is no greater feeling] 5.A cigánymisszió személyesen velem kezdődött... [The gypsy mission started with me personally ...]. Tükör, 7 (4-5).


Eurodiaconia and Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) (2011) An ecumenical contribution of European Churches and diaconal organisations to the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. In: EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies Consultation, 14-15 February 2011, Synod office of the Reformed Church, Hungary. (Submitted)


Fosztó, László (2003) Diaspora and Nationalism:an Anthropological Approach to theInternational Romani Movement. Regio, 1.

Fosztó, László (2010) Mobilising "culture" and "religion": Ritual practices and social relations among two minority groups in rural Transylvania. SOCIOLOGIE ROMANEASCA, 1. pp. 132-145.

Fosztó, László (2014) « Nous ne sommes pas des Tsiganes » : Le pentecôtisme des Roms de Transylvanie ["We are not Gypsies": Pentecostalism of the Roma of Transylvania]. Foi & Vie. Revue de culture protestante (2). pp. 59-88.

Fosztó, László (2009) Ritual revitalisation after socialism: community, personhood, and conversion among Roma in a Transylvanian village. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia. ISBN 978-3-643-10175-4

Fosztó, László (2007) A megtérés kommunikációja: gondolatok a vallási változásról pünkösdizmusra tért romák kapcsán [Communicating Conversion: Thoughts on Religious Change in Relation to Pentecostal Roma]. Erdélyi Társadalom, 5 (1). pp. 23-49. ISSN 1583–6347

Friedman, Eben Joseph (2002) Political Integration of the Romani Minority in Postcommunist Macedonia. Southeast European Politics, 3 (2-3). pp. 107-126.

Friedman, Eben Joseph and Friedman, Victor A. (2015) Romani Worlds:Academia, policy, and modern media. Discussion Paper. Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca.


Gamella, Juan F. (2007) La inmigración ignorada: Romá / gitanos de Europa orientalen España, 1991-2006. Gazeta de Antropología (23). ISSN 0214-7564

Gay y Blasco, Paloma (2002) Gypsy/Roma diasporas. A comparative perspective. Social Anthropology, 10 (2). pp. 173-188. ISSN 1469-8676

Gog, Sorin (2013) Bio-politics and the neo-liberal exclusion of Roma: resistance and community-building among the Evangelicals from Romania. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Greenfields, Margaret (2013) ‘Ethnic Solidarity,Evangelising and Empathy: The Motivation of non-Romani Activists working with Gypsies,Travellers and Roma in Faith and Community Settings’. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Greenfields, Margaret (2013) A critical comparison of the religious/scriptural motivation of Jews and Christians in social justice initiatives working with European Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. Masters thesis, University of Cambridge.

Greenfields, Margaret and Gog, Sorin and Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin and Todorovič, Dragan and Cvetković, Vladimir and Roman, Raluca Bianca and Podolinská, Tatiana and Madero, Eugenio Restrepo (2013) The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference, 12 and 13 September 2013, Glasgow.

Gyetvai, Gellert and Rajki, Zoltán (2012) A keresztény cigány közösségek szociológiája [Sociology of Christian Gypsy Communities]. Tükör. (Unpublished)


Hammarberg, Thomas (2012) Human rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg. ISBN 978-92-871-7200-6

Haupt, Gernot (2006) Antiziganismus und Sozialarbeit: Elemente einer wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung, gezeigt an Beispielen aus Europa mit dem Schwerpunkt Rumänien [Antigypsyism and social work: elements of a scientific foundation, shown using examples from Europe with a focus on Romania]. Frank & Timme, Berlin.

Haupt, Gernot (2008) Der Antiziganismus und eine Theologie der Roma-Befreiung [Antigypsyism and a theology of Roma liberation]. In: Comité Catholique International pour les Tsiganes = Friedensstifter in einer romafeindlichen Umwelt = Peacemakers in a Roma context“, March 28 - 30, 2008, Trogir / Kroatien. (Submitted)

Holte, Bjorn H. and Dietrich, Stephanie (2023) “If we Throw the Roma out of the Tent, we Throw Jesus out of the Tent”: Reflections on the Role of Religious Actors in Roma Inclusion in Oslo, Norway*. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 14 (3). pp. 488-513. ISSN eISSN 2359-8107

Horne, Steven (2020) Traveller Theology: A Theological anthropology of the UK’s gypsies and Travelles. Doctoral thesis, Canterbury Christ Church University.


Ivanov, Andrey and Zheliazkova, Antonina and Slay, Ben (2014) The Roma in Central and Eastern Europe: avoiding the dependency trap: a regional human development report. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Bratislava.


Jakoubek, Marek and Budilova, Lenka (2003) Kováč, Milan and Mann, Arne B. (eds.): Boh všetko vidí. Duchovný svet Rómov na Slovensku [God Sees Everything: The Spiritual Life of the Roma in Slovakia]. Religio: revue pro religionistiku, 11 (2). pp. 313-317.

Jaroka, Livia (2009) Historic Churches Must Play an Eminent Role in the Social Inclusion of Roma. In: The Role of Churches in the Social Inclusion of Roma, European Parliament, Brussels.

Jocham, Anna Lucia (2010) Antiziganismus: Exklusionsrisiken von Sinti und Roma durch Stigmatisierung [Antigypsyism: Sinti and Roma at risk of exclusion through stigmatization]. Menschenarbeit. Freiburger Studien, 28 . Hartun-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz.


Kenrick, Donald and Puxon, Grattan (1972) The destiny of Europe's Gypsies. Columbus Centre series, Studies in the dynamics of persecution and extermination . Chatto & Windus for Sussex University Press, London. ISBN 9780435821920

Kostka, Joanna (2014) Roma Matrix. Country Report Poland. University of Salford, University of York, Manchester, York.

Kotics, Jozsef (2019) Gypsies as the keepers of Saxon culture? The Role of Saxon Culture and Evangelical Religion in the Identity of a Local Transylvanian Gypsy Community. In: FIELDS AND THEORIES Selected Essays from the Field of Romology by Lippai Balázs Romani College. Didakt Kf., Debrecen, pp. 263-279. ISBN 978-615-5212-72-7

Kováč, Ondřej (2013) Misijní práce mezi Romy v České republice na přelomu tisíciletí [Missionary work among the Roma in the Czech Republic at the turn of the millennium]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 23-28. ISSN 1805-7934


Lehel, Peti (2015) Unwelcome Stranger in the Field: Fieldwork Experiences among the Csángós. Uralica Helsingiensia, 8. pp. 69-84.

Lehel, Peti (2011) “Wearied respondents”. The Structure of Saving the Csángós and its Effects on their Identity Building Strategies. In: Integrating minorities : traditional communities and modernization. Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 243-267. ISBN 978-606-92744-9-1

Lucero, Florinda and Collum, Jill The Roma: During and After Communism. Human rights & human welfare: an online journal of academic literature review. pp. 98-106.

Lőrinczi, Tünde (2014) The Representation of the Self-Concepts Withinthe Adventist Romani Community from Etéd. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 5 (2). pp. 203-222. ISSN 2068-2956 online

Lőrinczi, Tünde (2012) The study of religious communities from Criseni, Hargita county The changes of Gypsy –Hungarian relations in the context of religious affiliation. Doctoral thesis, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Philology, Hungarian Studies, Doctoral School.


Marin, Manuela (2023) Faith on the Margins: Religion and Civic Emancipation among Roma People during Communist Rule in Romania. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 14 (3). pp. 405-430. ISSN eISSN 2359-8107

Marinov, Aleksandar G. (2021) Chapter Two Bulgaria. In: Roma Writings. Brill, pp. 35-57.

Marushiakova, Elena (2001) Origins and Divergence of the Roma (Gypsies). The American Journal of Human Genetics. pp. 1314-1331.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2011) Between Exoticization and Marginalization. Current Problems of Gypsy Studies. BEHEMOTH A Journal on Civilisation (1). ISSN 1886-2447

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2021) Bulgaria. In: Roma Voices in History A Sourcebook. Brill Deutschland GmbH, Paderborn, pp. 33-179. ISBN 978-3-657-70518-4

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) Commencement of Roma Civic Emancipation. Studies in Arts and Humanities, 3 (2). pp. 32-55.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2013) ‘The First Gypsy/Roma Organizations, the Churches and the Newspapers in South-Eastern Europe during the First Half of the 20th Century’. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2021) The Genesis of the Roma Emancipation. In: Roma Voices in History A Sourcebook. Brill Deutschland GmbH, Paderborn, pp. 1-32. ISBN 978-3-657-70518-4

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2001) New Ethnic Identities in the Balkans: The Case of the Egyptians. Philosophy and Sociology, 2 (8). pp. 465-477.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) Orientalism in Romani Studies: The Case of Eastern Europe in Languages of Resistance: Ian Hancock’s contribution to Romani Studies. In: Languages of Resistance. LINCOM GmbH, pp. 187-237. ISBN 978-3862-888-511

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin Roma Culture. Council of Europe newsletter.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2012) Roma Culture in Past and Present. Other. Paradigma, Sofia.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2013) Roma Identities in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. In: Roma Identity and Anti-Gypsyism in Europe. LINCOM, München, pp. 40-52.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin Soviet Union before World War I. In: Roma History: Project Education of Roma Children in Europe. Council of Europe.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2016) Who are Roma? In: Roma culture: Myths and realities. Series Editors: Hristo Kyuchukov and Ian Hancock, 3 . Lincom Academic Publisher, Munich, pp. 7-28. ISBN 978 3 86288 684 5

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin A contemporary picture of Romani communities in Eastern Europa. PROJECT EDUCATION OFROMA CHILDREN IN EUROPE.

Matei, Petre (2023) Women’s participation in the interwar Roma movement in Romania. Romani Studies, 33 (1). pp. 31-54. ISSN (print): 1528-0748; (online): 1757-2274

Matei, Petre and Achim, Viorel (2021) Romania. In: Roma Voices in History A Sourcebook. Brill Deutschland GmbH, Paderborn, pp. 306-466. ISBN 978-3-657-70518-4

Meier, Verena and Gause, Ute and Danckwortt, Barbara (2018) Protestantismus und Antiziganismus [Protestantism and Antigypsyism]. Dokumentiation (9). ISSN 1619-5809


Nagy, Kornél and Bakay, Peter and Kurdi, Zoltán and Durkó, Albert and Dani, Eszter (2018) Cigánymisszió? Igen! [Gypsy mission? Yes!]. Tükör, 5 (5).

Nowackia, Ewa (2014) Konwersja religijna i konwersja kulturowa - Romowie zielonoświątkowcy w Szaflarach [Religious and cultural conversion - Roma Pentecostals in Szaflary]. Studia Humanistyczne AGH, 2 (13). pp. 165-182. ISSN 2084-336


O'Nions, Helen (2007) Minority rights protection in international law: the Roma of Europe. Research in migration and ethnic relations series . Ashgate, Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT.

O'Nions, Helen (2011) Roma Expulsions and Discrimination: The Elephant in Brussels. European Journal of Migration and Law, 13. pp. 361-388. ISSN 1388-364X


Patkás, Rita and Fajó, Attila and Dezső, Atilla (2018) Hogyan tovább cigányság? [How to continue to be a gypsy?]. Tükör, 5 (6).

Petrova, Dimitrina (2004) The Roma: Between a Myth and the Future. Roma rights (1). pp. 7-32. ISSN 1417-1503

Ploscariu, Iemima (2020) Faith Church: Roma Baptists Challenging Religious Barriers in Interwar Romania. Social Inclusion, 8 (2). pp. 316-326. ISSN 2183–2803

Podolinská, Tatiana (2013) “Angel Voices” Religious Change from the Perspective of Insiders. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Podolinská, Tatiana (2014) Questioning the Theory of Deprivation: Pentecostal Roma in Slovakia. In: Romani Pentecostalism: Gypsies and Charismatic Christianity. Peter Lang GmbH, pp. 89-107. ISBN 978-3-631-64885-8

Podolinská, Tatiana (2021) Traditional Romani Christianity vs Pentecostal and neo-Protestant Christianity: A grounded picture of religiosity and spirituality among the Roma in the twenty-first century in Slovakia. Romani studies 5, 31 (2). pp. 155-188. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Podolinská, Tatiana (2014) Whose Mary? The Virgin Mary as an ethnic, cultural and religious marker among the Roma in Slovakia. In: Transnationalität in den Erinnerungskulturen Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert [Transnationality in the cultures of remembrance of East Central Europe in the 20th century]. Böhlau Verlag, Köln - Wien - Weimar, pp. 146-165. ISBN 978-3-412-21694-8

Podolinská, Tatiana and Hrustič, Tomáš (2011) Religion as a Path to Change: The Possibility of Social Inclusion of the Roma in Slovakia. Fridrich Ebert Stiftung e. V. Slovakia - Institute of Ethnnology SAS, Bratislava, SK. ISBN 978-80-8914-209

Podolinská, Tatiana and Hrustič, Tomáš (2014) Religious change and its effects on social change for Roma in Slovakia. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 59 (1). pp. 235-256. ISSN Print ISSN 1216-9803, Online ISSN 1588-2586

Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants, and Itinerant People (2006) Guidelines for the pastoral care of Gypsies. People on the Move, 38/100 (April). pp. 131-178.


Rebhandl, Bert (2014) Roma und Sinti: Die Fremden, die bleiben [Roma and Sinti: Foreigners who stay]. Der Standard.

Roht-Yilmaz, Eva-Liisa (2020) A constant border-crossing: Conversion and evangelical charismatic Christian identity among the Roma in Estonia and Latvia. Romani studies, 30 (1). pp. 89-113. ISSN 1757-2274 (online) 1528-0748 (print)

Roman, Raluca Bianca (2016) Book Review on THURFJELL, David, Faith and Revivalism in a Nordic Romani Community: Pentecostalism amongst the Kaale Roma of Sweden and Finland. London: I. B.Tauris, 2013. 216pp. Hbk. ISBN 9781848859289. PentecoStudies. ISSN (print) ISSN 2041-3599; (online) ISSN 1871-7691

Roman, Raluca Bianca (2013) Faith-based integration? Evangelism, belonging and social mobilization among the Finnish Kaale. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Roman, Raluca Bianca and Blomster, Risto (2023) Forgotten pioneers? The Karelian connection and the role of Kaale women in the mobilization of Finnish Roma at the start of the twentieth century. Romani studies 5, 33 (1). pp. 9-29. ISSN 1528–0748

Rorke, Bernard (2012) Combating Anti-Gypsyism: Nothing Less Than Zero Tolerance Will Suffice. Voices.


Saitovic, Zoran (2016) Organizacija MARANATHA Leskovac - Goran Saitović [Organization MARANATHA Leskovac - Goran Saitovic]. [Video]

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Църква и религия при българите в Испания [Church and religion of Bulgarians in Spain]. 'Ongal' Electronic Journal, 9 (15). pp. 74-86. ISSN 1314-3115

Slavkova, Magdalena (2012) Doing ethnographic fieldwork among Gypsies in home country and abroad. Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције. pp. 223-239.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2021) Евангелска конверсия и полова принадлежност/ Evangelical conversion and gender identity. In: Съвременни теренни изследвания на културноисторическото наследство. ИЕФЕМ-БАН & Парадигма, София/Sofija, pp. 74-84. ISBN 978-954-326-470-4

Slavkova, Magdalena (2018) Religious and social commitment of the Bulgarian Roma migrants in Spain. Religious and social commitment of the Bulgarian Roma migrants in Spain, 33 (2). pp. 224-241.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Религиозно обучение на деца и младежи в циганските евангелски църкви [Religious training of children and young people at the Evangelical Gypsy Churches]. In: 500 ГОДИНА ПРОТЕСТАНТСКЕ РЕФОРМАЦИЈЕ [500 years from Protestant reformation]]. ЈУГОСЛОВЕНСКО УДРУЖЕЊЕ ЗА НАУЧНО ИСТРАЖИВАЊЕ РЕЛИГИЈЕ УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ У НИШУ – МАШИНСКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ, Niš, pp. 205-216. ISBN 978-86-86957-20-7

Slavkova, Magdalena (2021) School Experiences of Children of Roma Migrant Returnees and Refugees from the Middle East. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 218-241. ISSN 2683-0213

Slavkova, Magdalena (2023) Women’s evangelical activities and church growth in Romani communities. Romani studies 5, 33 (1). pp. 79-105. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Slavkova, Magdalena and Stoyanova, Plamena and Maeva, Mila and Hristova, Mina (2021) Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment. IEFSEM – BAS & Paradigma, Sofija.

Sorescu-Marinkovic, Annemarie (2018) Панчево Рома Габори: Вера и језик вере [Gabori Roma of Pančevo: Faith and the Language of Faith]. In: Очување, заштита и перспективе ромског језика у Србији. Српска академија наука и уметности, Belgrade, pp. 309-326.

Sorescu-Marinkovic, Annemarie (2004) The Vlach funeral laments: Tradition revisited. Balcanica (35). pp. 199-222.

Stewart, Michael and Rövid, Márton (2011) Multi-disciplinary approaches to Romany studies: Selected Papers from Participants of Central European University’s Summer Courses 2007–2009. Central European University Press, Budapest ; New York. ISBN 978-963-9776-76-0


Tarnovschi, Daniela (2001) Roma of Romania. Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center (EDRC).

Thurfjell, David (2009) Pentecostalism and the Roma: Cultural Compatibility and Ethno-Genesis. In: Global Pentecostalism: Encounter with Other Religious Traditions. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 179-192. ISBN 978-1-8451-1877-8 (paperback) 978-0-7556-2519-2 (online)

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