Items where Subject is "B Mission Theology/Theory > Ecclesiology"

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Bakay, Peter (2016) Karácsonyra, szeretettel [For Christmas, with love]. TÜKÖR, 3 (5).

Bakay, Peter (2016) Misszió és ami mögötte van [Mission and what is behind it]. TÜKÖR, 3 (3-4).

Bakić, Saša (2017) Waiting for Death: Surprised by an angel. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0889-9436

Bocsi, Veronica (2017) The Religious Patterns of Young Roma People in Hungary. Belvedere Meridionale, 29 (4). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1419-0222 (print) 2064-5929 (online, pdf)

Bogomilova, Nonka (2005) The Religious Situation in Contemporary Bulgaria, in Serbia and Montenegro: Differences and Similarities. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 25 (4). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1069-4781

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2002) La construcción social de la sospecha minorias religiosas contemporaneas y procesos de exclusión [The social construction of suspicion contemporary religious minorities and processes of exclusion]. Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporánea, 8 (15). pp. 89-111. ISSN 1405-2210

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Royo, Javier J. (2014) Liderazgo, poder y etnicidad en la Iglesia Filadelfia de Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz):Dios quiere que nos mudemos a ese templo [Leadership, Power and Ethnicity in Iglesia Filadelfia (Philadelphia Church) in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz): God wants us to move to that temple]. Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares [Journal of Popular Dialectology and Traditions], 69 (1). pp. 7-27. ISSN 0034-7981

Dezső, Atilla and Surman, László and Kurdi, Zoltán and Bakay, Peter and Vig, Miklós (2020) 1.Isten folyónak teremtett minket, hogy partot mossunk [God created us as a river to wash ashore] 2.A cigánymisszió segített a gondolkodásmódom megújulásában [The gypsy mission helped to renew my way of thinking] 3.Mit kaptam a cigánymisszión keresztül? [What did I get through the gypsy mission?] 4.Nagyobb érzés nincs is [There is no greater feeling] 5.A cigánymisszió személyesen velem kezdődött... [The gypsy mission started with me personally ...]. Tükör, 7 (4-5).

Fosztó, László and Kiss, Denes (2012) Pentecostalism in Romania the Impact of Pentecostal Communities on the Life-style of the Members. La Ricerca Folklorica, Aprile 2012 (65). pp. 51-64. ISSN 0391-9099

Gyetvai, Gellert and Rajki, Zoltán (2016) Features of Roma Religiosity: Is it only mimicry? Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 9 (1). pp. 53-69. ISSN 1553-9962

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2013) Why Do They Leave? An Ethnographic Investigation of Defection from Turkish-Speaking Roma Churches in Bulgaria. Missiology: An International Review, 41 (3). pp. 315-328.

Hibbert, Richard Y. and Hibbert, Evelyn (2016) Diagnosing Church Health across Cultures: A Case Study of Turkish Roma (Millet) Churches in Bulgaria. Missiology: An international review, 44. pp. 243-256.

Montañés, Antonio (2016) Etnicidad e identidad gitana en los cultos pentecostales de la ciudad de Madrid: el caso de la "Iglesia Evangélica de Filadelfia" y el "Centro Cristiano Vino Nuevo el Rey Jesús" [Ethnicity and Gypsy identity in the Pentecostal faith communities of the city of Madrid: the case of the "Evangelical Church of Philadelphia" and the "New Wine Christian Center the King Jesus"]. Papeles del CEIC, 2. pp. 1-26. ISSN 1695-6494

Nagy, Kornél and Bakay, Peter and Kurdi, Zoltán and Durkó, Albert and Dani, Eszter (2018) Cigánymisszió? Igen! [Gypsy mission? Yes!]. Tükör, 5 (5).

Pellarová, Iva (2011) Romský svět: Romové v česko-slovenském kontextu včera a dnes [Roma World: Roma in the Czech-Slovak context yesterday and today]. Misiologické info, no. 2. pp. 6-13.

Rizo, Ana (2009) Pérdida de influencia de la Iglesia Católica y auge de la Iglesia Evangélica de Filadelfia entre los gitanos españoles. El caso de la provincia andaluza de Huelva [Loss of influence of the Catholic Church and summit of the Evangelical Church of Philadelphia between the Spanish gypsies. The case of the Andalusian province of Huelva.]. Revista Cultura y Religión, 3 (1). pp. 96-111. ISSN 0718-4727

Slavkova, Magdalena (2007) Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria: Way of life and performance of identity. Romani studies 5, 17 (2). pp. 205-246. ISSN 1528–0748

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Етнографско-социографски показатељи раширености про-тестантских верских заједница у југоисточној Србији (са посебним освртом на Роме протестанте)[Sociographic Indicators of the Spreading of Protestant Religious Communities in Southeastern Serbia (with a Special Emphasis on Protestant Roma)]. Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске (19). pp. 87-111. ISSN 1821-3723

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Улога културних фактора у протестантизациjи Рома jугоисточне Србиjе [Uloga kulturnih faktora u Protestantizaciji Roma JugoistoČne Srbije] [The role of cultural factors in the Protestantisation of the Roma in Southeastern Serbia]. Часопис Култура [Magazine Culture] (136). pp. 376-402. ISSN 0023-5164

Tsirevelos, Nikolaos (2022) Religious Education of the Roma People in Greece. The Ecumenical Theological Framework of Communication, Intercultural Inclusion Interventions and a Case Study of Non-Formal Education from the Orthodox Church. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 14 (3). pp. 461-487. ISSN eISSN 2359-8107

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2021) Between global and local: Roma Pentecostal Church identity in Serbia. Romani studies 5. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Đorđević, Dragoljub B. (2005) Religije i veroispovesti nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji [Religions and Confessions of National Minorities in Serbia]. Sociologija, 47 (3). pp. 193-212.

Šoltésová, Viktória (2013) Náboženský život a misijné aktivity kresťanských cirkví v rómskych komunitách na Slovensku [Religious life and missionary activities of Christian churches in Roma communities in Slovakia]. Misiologické fórum, 4. pp. 12-17. ISSN 1805-7934

Book Section

Cacanoska, Ružica (2004) Chances for changes in Roma Confessional Matrix in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Evangelization Conversion Proselytism. Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Komren Sociological Encounters, Niš, pp. 83-86.

Kovač, Milan and Jurik, Milan (2003) The Religious life of the Roma and the activities of the church in relation to the Roma. In: Čačipen pal o Roma, A Global Report on Roma in Slovakia. Institute of Public Affairs, Bratislava, pp. 99-113. ISBN 80-88935-46-6

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Религиозно обучение на деца и младежи в циганските евангелски църкви [Religious training of children and young people at the Evangelical Gypsy Churches]. In: 500 ГОДИНА ПРОТЕСТАНТСКЕ РЕФОРМАЦИЈЕ [500 years from Protestant reformation]]. ЈУГОСЛОВЕНСКО УДРУЖЕЊЕ ЗА НАУЧНО ИСТРАЖИВАЊЕ РЕЛИГИЈЕ УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ У НИШУ – МАШИНСКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ, Niš, pp. 205-216. ISBN 978-86-86957-20-7

Slavkova, Magdalena (2003) Roma pastors as leaders of Roma protestant communities. In: Roma Religious Culture. Yugoslav Society for the scientific study of religion, Niš, pp. 168-177. ISBN 9788683119608

Todorovič, Dragan (2018) Протестантизација Рома: „Бити“ и/или „имати“ [Protestantization of Roma: "Being" and/or "having"]. In: Роми Србије у XXIX веку. Српска академија наука и уметности, Belgrade, pp. 83-100.

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Roma and Conversion to Protestantism: An Example of Southeast Serbia. In: Europe as a Multiple Modernity: Multiplicity of Religious Identities and Belonging. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 228-251. ISBN ISBN-10: 1443856339; ISBN-13: 978-1443856331

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Улога богословских фактора у протестантизацији Рома југоисточне Србије [The role of theological factors in the Protestantisation of the Roma in Southeastern Serbia]. In: Прилози стратегии унапреЂеЊа положаjа Рома [Contributions to the strategy for improving Roma Status]. Српска Академиjа Наука и уметности ; Заштитник ГраЂана, Belgrade, pp. 113-136. ISBN 0354-494X

Todorovič, Dragan and Đorđević, Dragoljub B. (2011) Orthodox priests and the Protestant Roma (A Bit of Empirical Research from the South of Serbia). In: Orthodoxy from an empirical perspective. Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory - Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Belgrade - Niš, pp. 175-188. ISBN 978-86-86957-12-2 (YSSSR) and 978-86-82417-29-3 (IPST)


Fosztó, László Roma and the ‘New Religions’ in Europe / Factsheets on Romani Culture 2.4. Documentation. Council of Europe. (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Item

Kool, Anne-Marie (2017) „Roma revival” in contemporary Christianity among the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Christianity among the Roma conference, November 28-December 1, 2017, ETS, Osijek. (Unpublished)

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2013) ‘The First Gypsy/Roma Organizations, the Churches and the Newspapers in South-Eastern Europe during the First Half of the 20th Century’. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Podolinská, Tatiana (2013) “Angel Voices” Religious Change from the Perspective of Insiders. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Roman, Raluca Bianca (2013) Faith-based integration? Evangelism, belonging and social mobilization among the Finnish Kaale. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Роми као Пентекосталци у Jугоисточноj Србиjи [Roma as Pentecostals in Southeastern Serbia]. In: Промене Идентитета, Културе и Језика Рома у Условима Планске Социjално-економске Интеграциjе [Changes of Identity, Culture and Language of Roma in conditions of socio-economical integration], 6–8 December 2010, Belgrade.

Todorovič, Dragan and Cvetković, Vladimir (2013) Rromanipe in Transition:Protestantization of Roma. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani, Gypsy and Traveller Studies, September 12. and 13. 2013., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Todorovič, Dragan and Đorđević, Dragoljub B. (2017) Утемељење Новог Верског Идентитетакод Рома Протестаната У Југоисточној Србији [Establishment of a New Religious Identity among Protestant Roma in Southeast Serbia]. In: XXIV годишња интернационална конференција ЈУНИР [XXIV Annual International YSSSR Conference] 500 Година Протестантске Реформације [500 Years Of The Protestant Reformation].


Constantineanu, Corneliu and Măcelaru, Marcel V and Kool, Anne-Marie and Himcinschi, Mihai, eds. (2016) Mission in Central and Eastern Europe: Realities, Perspectives, Trends. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, 34 . Regnum Books International, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-911372-17-2

Đorđević, Dragoljub B., ed. (2003) Религија и верски обичаји Рома [Religion and Religious Customs of the Roma]. ЈУНИР Свен, Niš.

Patkás, Rita and Bakay, Peter (2016) Kézikönyv a cigányok közti szolgálathoz [Handbook for inter-Roma service]. Durkó Albert, Békés. ISBN 978-615-80116-2-4

Slavkova, Magdalena (2007) Циганите евангелисти в България [Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria]. ПАРАДИГМА, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-326-068-3

Slavkova, Magdalena and Maeva, Mila and Erolova, Yelis and Popov, Rachko (2019) Between the Worlds: People, Spaces and Rituals. Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. A, Sofia.

Thurfjell, David and Marsh, Adrian (2014) Romani pentecostalism : gypsies and charismatic Christianity. Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, New York. ISBN 978-3631648858


Barnabás, Tóth (2014) A Magyarországi Baptista Egyház cigánymissziója 1989-től 2014-ig [The gypsy mission of the Hungarian Baptist Church from 1989 to 2014]. Masters thesis, BTA Teológia.

Hibbert, Richard Y. (2008) Stagnation and Decline Following Rapid Growth in Turkish-Speaking Roma Churches in Bulgaria. Doctoral thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Horne, Steven (2020) Traveller Theology: A Theological anthropology of the UK’s gypsies and Travelles. Doctoral thesis, Canterbury Christ Church University.

Kiss, Zoltánné (2014) Misszió a társadalom peremére szorult nők között Mi a józsefvárosi Kesztyűgyár Közösségi Házban működő női csoport eredményességének titka? [Mission among women on the margins of society]. Other thesis, BAPTISTA TEOLÓGIAI AKADÉMIA TEOLÓGIA MESTERSZAK [BAPTIST ACADEMY OF THEOLOGY MASTER].

Krasteva-McCauley, Stela V. (2014) Evangelical Christianity and Roma Communities in Post-Socialist Bulgaria. Doctoral thesis, University of California.

Lőrinczi, Tünde (2012) The study of religious communities from Criseni, Hargita county The changes of Gypsy –Hungarian relations in the context of religious affiliation. Doctoral thesis, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Philology, Hungarian Studies, Doctoral School.

Oros, Istvánné (2015) Előítélettől az ölelésig Magyarországon [From prejudice to embrace in Hungary]. Masters thesis, Baptista Teológiai Akadémia.

Tóthová, Zuzana (2014) A CIGÁNYMISSZIÓ DIDAKTIKAI KERETEI A Szlovákiai Református Keresztyén Egyház Cigánymissziójának nehézségei és lehetőségei egy sajátos szempontrendszer alapján [DIDACTIC FRAMEWORK FOR THE GYPSY MISSION Gypsy Mission of the Slovak Reformed Christian Church difficulties and opportunities based on a specific set of criteria]. Doctoral thesis, UNIVERZITA J. SELYEHO – SELYE JÁNOS EGYETEM FAKULTA REFORMOVANEJ TEOLÓGIE – REFORMÁTUS TEOLÓGIAI KAR.


Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches' Perspectives on Mission Among the Roma People: Part I. [Video]

Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches' Perspectives on Mission Among the Roma People: Part II. [Video]

Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches' Perspectives on Mission Among the Roma People: Part III. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2019) Pastorska konferencija “Vreme Duha Svetoga“/Leskovac [Pastoral conference "Time of the Holy Spirit"/Leskovac]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2016) ROMinfomedia Spektar [ROMinfomedia TV Show Spektar]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2019) Romskoj crkvi u Leskovcu izdata dozvola za izgradnju višenamenskog centra [Roma church in Leskovac receives permission to build multipurpose center]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2016) Serif Bakic emisija Spektar [Serif Bakic TV Show Spektar]. [Video]

Saitovic, Zoran (2016) Spektar Selim Alijevic. [Video]

Tabiendo, Sam 5913 Spanish Gypsy Film. [Video] (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Thu Jan 23 08:44:01 2025 CET.